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ACTIVITY REPORT ABOUT SUMMER PSYCHOLOGICAL SCHOOL-2000 IN ROMANIAIn 2000 year international workshop “Cognitive development and education” was organized on 6-13 of September in Romania. This workshop was held as a part of international summer psychological school. It was organized by Department of Psychology in Babes-Bolyai (Babes-Bolyai University), Association of Students-Psychologists of Transylvania (ASTP) under support of “Open Society” University, Department of Romania (“Orient-Orient” program). Students from Romania, Great Britain, Latvia, Belgium and Russia took part in working process of summer psychological school-2000 Lectures on different aspects of cognitive development and education were read by specially invited lectures. Amongst them we might mention: Francoise Bonthoux, Professor, Ph.D - Laboratoire de Psychologie Experimentale, Pierre Repairs an University, Grenoble, FRANCE; Mircea Micica, Professor Ph.D - A Psychology Division, Ability of Psychology and Sciences of Formation, “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA; Carmen Gonzales Salinas Associate professor Ph.D - A Division Psicologia Evolutiva Formation y de la Faculted de Psicologia, Universidad de Murcia, SPAIN; Viorel Lupu, Assistent Ph.D – “luliu Hatieganu” University Medicines And Drugstores, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA; Nikolai Butorin, Professor Ph.D - A Reason For the Human Centre of Day a Relations “Van Gogh”, Sofie, BULGARY; Oana Benga, Assistent Psychology Division, Ability of Psychology and Sciences of Formation, “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA; Maia Dimitrova, Professor Ph.D - An Institute of Control and System Study, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofie, BULGARY; Petru Curseu, Younger Lecturer Psychology Division, Ability of Psychology and Sciences of Formation, “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA; Katarina Jariabkova, Professor Ph.D - A Slovak of Academy of Sciences, Division of Public and Biological Relationship, Bratislava SLOVAK REPUBLIK. The program of summer school comprises lectures and round tables on following subjects: KATARINA JARIABKOVA - Developmental Enigmas - Developmental Language Disorders - Demonstration of a Case Study of Landau - Kleffner Aphasia. FRANCOISE BONTHOUX -The Development of Categorization - Infant Categorization. Discussion: Perceptual and Conceptual Categorization. CARMEN GONZALES SALINAS - Temperament in Infancy and Childhood - Toward a Conceptualization of Temperament and Its Implications for Human Development. FRANCOISE BONTHOUX -The Development of Categorization - Categorization in Young Children. Discussion : Hierachical and non Hierarchical Models. KATARINA JARIABKOVA - Developmental Enigmas - Neurodevelopmental Disorders with Cognitive Deficits - Williams and Down Syndroms. CARMEN GONZALES SALINAS - Temperament in Infancy and Childhood – Measuring Temperament in Infancy and Childhood. OANA BENGA - Sociocognitive and Emotional Development in Children; the Impact of Early Deprivation in Orphans. MAIA DIMITROVA - Cognition, Culture and Computers in Continuous Education – Rehearsal systems in cognition. Transient processes. Cultural considerations. CARMEN GONZALES SAUNAS - Temperament in Infancy and Childhood - The Development of Temperament from Infancy to Childhood; Stability and Change in Personality. MAIA DIMITROVA - Cognition,Culture and Computers in Continuous Education – Interfering Systems and Composite Traces in Cognition. Educational Implications. NIKOLAI BUTORIN - Learning in schizophrenia - An Application of a Social Skills Training Program - Social Learning and Schizophrenia. Cognitive Functioning. MIRCEA MICLEA - Psychologycal Defense — A Neurobiological and Developmental Approach. MAIA DIMITROVA - Cognition, Culture and Computers in Continuous Education – Function Distributedness and Specialisation. Local and Global Models. Computational Aspects. NIKOLAI BUTORIN - Learning in schizophrenia - An Application of a Social Skills Training Program -Description and Demonstration. ROUND TABLE - Perspectives on Child Development: Implications for Educational Policies - chairman MIRCEA MICLEA. CARMEN GONZALES SALINAS- Temperament in Infancy and Childhood - The Contribution of Childhood Temperament to their Cognitive and Social-Emotional Development. MAIA DIMITROVA - Cognition,Culture and Computers in Continuous Education - Incidental and Intentional Learning. Event Representation and Learning in Natural Contexts. Learning from and with Computers. NIKOLAI BUTORIN - Learning in schizoplirenia - An Application of a Social Skills Training Program - Application of the Program in a Community-Based Mental Health Center. MAIA DIMITROVA - Cognition, Culture and Computers in Continuous Education - Computer Modeling and Adaptation to Individual Learners. Continuous Education and Cognitiven Support in Human-Computer Context. VIOREL LUPU - Cognitive Development - Implicutions in Psychotherupy with Cilildrcn ami Adolescents. VIOREL LUPU - Cognitive Development — Implications in Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents. FRANCOISE BONTHOUX - The Development of Categorization - The Development of Flexibility in Categorization. Discussion : Behavior and Underlying Representations. ROUND TABLE - Cognitive Development - Interdisciplinary Approach from Theory to Practice - chairman FRANCOISE BONTHOUX. PETRU CURSEU - Child Abuse and Personality Disorders. Lecture and round tables were held on high professional and organizational level. Splendid lectures and sincere interest of listeners created atmosphere of real intellectual holiday . In spite of intensive working program, participants have had enough free time yet. It was filled by informal discussing the particularities of psychology of development and its future in the East Europe, discussing of actual and further researches, problems concerning the degree papers. And it was filled by songs, dances and walks on the background of picturesque and romantic nature of Romania as well. As far as Department of Psychology of Samara State University conducts intensive researches in the field of rehabilitation of drug addicted, it was especially pleasantly for us to hear that since the august 1999 Association of students-psychologists of Transylvania realizes a program of preventive maintenance of chemical dependencies (tobacco, alcohol, narcotics). We consider that experience exchange in this area would be useful and productive, as far as our achievements in rehabilitation of drug addicted and in preparing the specialists for working with chemical dependencies are more significant in some aspects, if compared with achievements of specialists in other countries. That is why it was very sad to realize, how seldom Russian psychologists (both students and teachers) took part in such actions, which are certainly very useful. In spite that psychologists in Russia have a lot to share with the rest of psychological community. As an example we remember that true interest, which was awaked by a short commentary to the film "Forrest Gamp" by Robert Zemeckis. S. V. Beresin expressed the idea by professor V. A. Petrovsky that sometimes individual with the sick psychics can be absolutely healthy as a person; and personality can be disordered while psychics is completely healthy, conversely. “Forrest Gamp” is a good illustration to this idea. One of our most bright and pleasing impressions was meeting and collaboration with Romanian students. They are very organized, used to work hard and sincerely fallen in love with psychology. Their kindness and advertence to us will stay in our hearts forever. In conclusion we would like to express our gratitude to the organizing committee of summer psychological school-2000: Oana Benga, assist. prof., “Babes-Bolyai” University, The Department of Psychology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; The Association of Students in Psychology from Transylvania: Cosmin Copaescu, stud. Dorothea Ionescu, B.Sc. Bianca Macavei, stud. Maria-Antoneta Popa, stud. Mihaela Pop, stud. Andu Subtirica, stud. Raluca Tataru, stud. Claudia Toma, stud. We are very grateful for Samara Department of “Open Society” institute for financial support, due to which it was possible for us to participate in the work of the summer school. Our special thanks to the group of Latvian students, who, continued to stay friends, attentive and kind listeners, in spite of all difficulties dumped on them. S. Berezin, A. Bobkin, Department of Psychology of Samara State University |
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